Murray Hill businesses need your help

The sinister shenanigans started by Sleiman Enterprises’s fence fiasco seem to be behind them, and Perfect Rack Billiards, Buchner’s Bierhalle, Blackhat Vapor, and Beautifully Divine DIY Woodcraft Studio & Custom Gift Boutique will all be open for business soon.
Once again, a big shout out to Goin Coastal Properties LLC for their help in making this happen.

Crisis averted. Back to business as usual, right? WRONG!
How would you and your family be after missing a weeks pay while still having to pay all of your bills and expenses?
That is the situation Perfect Rack Billiards finds themselves in after their kitchen has been closed for a week.

Things are not much better for Buchner’s Bierhalle, Blackhat Vapor, or Beautifully Divine DIY Woodcraft Studio & Custom Gift Boutique after losing more than half a week’s sales.

Yes, their businesses will be open again but they were all hurt financially, emotionally and in other ways most of us will never know.
Please remember them while making your plans for this weekend, next week and the following weeks. The public’s view of their struggle has ended but their behind the scenes struggle to survive, to  keep their businesses open, and their livelihoods intact, continues.

Please do whatever you can to help them.
Thank You! 

Perfect Rack Billiards will reopen both their kitchen and pool hall today at 5 PM.
Blackhat Vapor will reopen at 11 AM today.
Buchner’s Bierhalle will reopen at 4 PM today.
Beautifully Divine DIY Woodcraft Studio & Custom Gift Boutique will reopen at noon, Tuesday 11/19/2019.