Let’s ride bikes

The 2012 Riverside Avondale Bicycle Festival will take place Saturday October 13 at Willow Branch Park, located behind the Willow Branch Public Library; it is a chance to celebrate cycling with the whole family! For more information call 904-388-0612 or email charlie@Bike4Fun.us.

This is a free event by Lakeshore Bicycles and Fitness.
The event begins at 10:00 a.m. and concludes with a 2:00 p.m. ride to RAM.
Free games, contests, and prizes
Expect “Best Decorated Bicycle” contest, bike events for the kids, and more family fun.

Schedule of Events:
10:00 Opening by Councilman Jim Love
10:00 to 2:00 Kids’ Activities
11:00 Police Bike Demostrations
11:30 Bike tour through Avondale and Riverside
2:00 Ride to Riverside Arts Market

Kids’ Activitties Information:
Bicycle Helmets will be availble.

Event 1. Obstacle course
Location: Basketball Court
Sponsor: Tasti D-Lite
Description: Kids will follow a course around the court weaving through cones etc.

Event 2. Off-road ride
Location: Start/end at pavilion between playground/swings
Sponsor: Sivada’s Cupcakery
Description: (depending on ground conditions) Kids will ride down toward the creek across one bridge and back the other.

Event 3. Paperboy / beanbag toss
Location: Sidewalk circling the swing sets
Sponsor: Florida Creamery
Description: Older kids will ride along path trying to throw rolled papers into containers; younger kids will ride along path stopping in front of “baggo”/”cornhole” boards and try to make a bean bag.

Event 4. Long coast
Location: In the outfield adjacent to the basketball court
Sponsor: Dreamette
Description: Like a long jump in track and field, kids will start at one line, pedal as fast as they can until they reach a second line, and see how far they can coast

Lots of prizes Gift certificates from Pinegrove Deli, Best Cheese Burger in Jacksonville Harpoon Louies, American Beauty Florist, European Street Cafe, Kickbacks, Shrine Circus and many more.