Traci Mims, Artist

We continue our celebration of Black History Month by highlighting local Black Artists and their art. ⁣
Traci Mims Artist is a native of St. Petersburg, Florida currently living and working in Jacksonville,⁣ Florida. She says “Art has always been a part of my life. I have been drawing since the age of 4. My work is often expressed in the form of cultural allegory and social realism. I am motivated by art that has an underlying message that engages the viewer in a way they can relate to. Art for me is many things but mainly it is my passion and my voice when I have a statement to make. It has also been my protest when circumstances of injustice arise. I never grow weary creating only resentful that there is not more time in a day to print, draw or paint.” ⁣

Ms. Mims is formally trained in the visual arts with degrees from Florida A&M university (BA) and Tyler School of Art, Temple University (MFA).