Still Not About A Hotdog and a Coke

Yellow House launched their newest virtual exhibit with the release of the following statement.

We are humbled and thrilled to launch our newest virtual exhibition…a true labor of love. Still Not About A Hotdog and a Coke is something special. With the intimate readings by Mr. Rodney Hurst, Sr., historic photos, quotes from historic figures, and salient statistics, we attempt to highlight key aspects of the sit in demonstrations and subsequent white violent backlash known as Ax Handle Saturday that marked the summer of 1960 in Jacksonville. But this is more than a journey back in time, it is an exhibition that connects the past with NOW. We are grateful to the contemporary artists and new generations of activists, educators, and community leaders who help us illustrate the strong connections between the civil rights era and the current movement for racial justice.

If you don’t have much time at this moment, take a glimpse, but we hope you will settle in with your favorite device to full experience this powerful online exhibition.

Much love to our small and mighty team of designers, volunteers, and comrades who joined us in this project. Special love to Rodney Hurst, Sr. for trusting us.