Safety tips on work zone safety

A work zone involves workers, vehicles and equipment that will often require lane closures, detours, and moving equipment. Please be mindful when travelling through work zones, it’s not just a “worker” it’s someone’s family.
BE ALERT – Keep your eyes on the road and be aware of all signage throughout work zones that can indicate reduced speeds, lane changes and other important information.
DON’T TAILGATE – Maintain extra space between vehicles to allow for reactionary slowing or stopping.
DON’T SPEED IN THE WORK ZONE – Lane closures, traffic pattern shifts, and reduced speeds are common in work zones. Make sure to slow down when entering a work zone and pay attention for road workers.
DON’T CHANGE LANES IN THE WORK ZONE – Any time saved just isn’t worth the risk.
MINIMIZE DISTRACTIONS – Avoid changing radio stations and using cell phones while driving in the work zone.
EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED – Keep an eye out for workers and equipment.
~Courtesy Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office