Pathway to Home Program

This morning, Mayor Lenny Curry and the COVID-19 Shelter Taskforce announced the Pathway to Home Program. Through a collaboration with Sulzbacher, Mental Health Resource Center, Changing homelessness, additional area homeless providers, Downtown Vision, Inc. and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, individuals living in unsheltered areas will be assisted with local, extended-stay hotel room and food assistance for 30 days. During this period, case managers will work with each participant to secure permanent housing through Rapid Re-Rehousing.Starting today, multi-agency staff will be at unsheltered communities to identify needs; provide storage, luggage and transportation assistance; and register individuals for a room at one of the partnering hotels throughout the city. Hotel placements will begin Monday, Feb. 8. In addition to offering housing services, groceries and prepared meals will be delivered to participants once a week.
Those who need immediate support may speak to an outreach worker or visit the Urban Rest Stop, located at the Sulzbacher Center (611 E. Adams St. – 32202). The Urban Rest Stop is open Monday – Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.