Jacksonville ZombieFest 2016

Hemming Park will be zombified this Saturday as Jacksonville celebrates Zombiefest 2016.  This event will mark the 9th Annual Jacksonville Zombie Walk.

The walk begins at approximately 7 pm. 
These Zombies won’t be looking for food, instead all zombies are encouraged to bring two or more non perishable food items, clothing or toys to benefit Hubbard House. The walk is hosted by Jax Zombie Walk.

There is no charge to walk but there will be artists, vendors, food carts and trucks for your shopping and eating pleasure. Eat the food, not the vendors. There will also be professional photographers available to create a permanent memory of you in all your zombie glory or gory or gory glory.

The event is free, open to all ages and both humans and zombies are encouraged to participate.

Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 3 pm – 8 pm
Hemming Park
135 W Monroe St, Jacksonville, Florida 32202