Hope at Hand has shifted the 5th Annual Jax Poetry Fest to a virtual event

Hope at Hand released the following statement concerning the 5th Annual Jax Poetry Fest.


In light of the recent pandemic, Hope at Hand has shifted the 5th Annual Jax Poetry Fest to a virtual event.

Want to participate? Please consider submitting a short poetry lesson for us to post on our youtube channel and social media.

Throughout April, we will share recorded performances and poetry lessons to help 1) keep the arts alive, 2) celebrate National Poetry Month, and 3) show our support for the poetry community.

If you choose to participate:

• Using your computer, phone (landscape mode), or video camera, record a poetry lesson as outlined below. Programs to record on your computer: iMovie on Mac, Windows Media Player on PC.

• Record in a quiet location with limited distractions. Please run a test to ensure the clarity of the audio and lighting. Lessons must include reading a poem or two, and instructions to write a poem. All clothing, material and discussion must be family-friendly.

* If possible, send a worksheet or template that can be downloaded to support your lesson. Please forward the template to kristi@hopeathand.org.

• It’s okay to ask them to pause the video to do the activity and restart when they are ready.

• Send MP4 file via dropbox to steffani@hopeathand.org. We will add Jax Poetry Fest branding.

• Your submission is considered a media release for JaxPoetryFest.org and HopeAtHand.org to share.

Please feel free to reach out to kristi@hopeathand.org with any questions.

We can’t wait to see your poetry submission!