Happy Pollinator Week

Did you know that 1 in 3 bites of food you eat are provided by pollinators? These bees, birds, bats, butterflies, beetles, and more carry pollen between flowers which leads to fertilization. This helps them to produce fruits, seeds, and new plants—many of which we rely on for food and other necessities.
But pollinators are in trouble! Habitat loss and chemical misuse have contributed to their decline worldwide.

How can you help pollinators?
🐝 “Bee” aware of pesticides and the negative impacts they have on beneficial insects
🦋 Make a habitat for pollinators by researching what plants grow best in your area
🦇 Choose locally-produced, organic food when possible
🐝 Make a bee hotel or pollinator pit stop (watch the video above to learn how!)
🦋 Spread the word about why we need pollinators.