Fall Back 2023

When local  time reaches 2am Sunday, November 5, 2023 clocks will be turned back 1 hour to 1am Sunday, November 5, 2023.

Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the day before. There will be more light in the morning.  Also called Fall Back and Winter Time.

Most Android phones and Apple iPhones will update their times automatically as long as you are using the automatically set network time rather than a manual setting.

DST in the US

In the US, clocks are set back 1 hour from 02:00 (2 am) to 01:00 (1 am) local time on the first Sunday in November. Clocks spring forward again from 02:00 (2 am) to 03:00 (3 am) local time the second Sunday in March.

Almost all of the United States observes DST. Hawaii and most of Arizona are the only 2 US states that do not change their clocks.

None of the US dependencies observe DST. These include American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the US Minor Outlying Islands, and the US Virgin Islands.