Throughout National Poetry Month, poets, publishers, schools, literary enthusiasts, and word lovers the world over celebrate the cadence and song of poetry.
Poetry blasts, library readings, projects and so much more will take place. Every year there is ample opportunity to immerse yourself in the best and latest poetry. Experiment and play with language and words letting them trip off your tongue and through your mind creating images of alliteration or motivate action.
Study a style you’ve wanted to try or delve in delve into an edgy topic. Wander off into a world of backward speak and slither past the echoing valleys of the repetitive chorus. Your poem is calling to you.
HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalPoetryMonth
Write, read, listen and study poetry. The entire month will offer local and national talent as well as workshops to poets. Visit for more information and use #NationalPoetryMonth to share on social media.
The Academy of American Poets founded National Poetry Month in 1996.